
Showing posts from April, 2010


“ Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ”


Stiati ca.... Laleaua rosie este unul din simbolurile zilei Sfantului Valentin (Valentine's Day).Se spune ca in secolul XVI , sultanul Persiei isi arata afectiunea fata de aleasa sa daruindu-i lalele de un rosu aprins , simbolizand flacara neostoita a iubirii sale.Florile aveau mici puncte negre la baza , ceea ce arata ca inima sultanului era transformata in carbune de focul pasiunii sale.Datorita acestei legende , in epoca victoriana , lalelele erau folosite pentru a comunica dragostea. Laleaua , "floarea primaverii" , simbolizeaza Imaginatia , Visarea, Iubitul/Iubita Perfect(a) , Declaratia de dragoste.

Forever My Frist....

Forever shall you be the first The first I loved The first I kissed The first that slipped away I loved you from the moment we met We spent one year officially together But truly many more With months apart it still seems we never changed our ways Our ways of how we act Never is a time we're near each other That has anger or spite Only love and dusty memories Forever shall I love you Forever shall you be The only one who knows me The only one I trust Forever shall you be the one who holds my heart

Maybe I could buy a necklace......


Hai cu hidrobicicleta !


Water is life

Nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water. Yet when it attacks the firm and the strong, none can withstand it, because they have no way to change it. So the flexible overcome the adamant, the yielding overcome the forceful. Everyone knows this, but no one can do it.

Primavara in culori....

Iubesc primavara oriunde; dar, daca as putea alege, as intampina-o mereu in gradina! Florile sunt cel mai dulce lucru pe care l-a creat Dumnezeu; dar a uitat sa le dea si suflet.